Chicken case study research



1) What was the budget for Chicken? 
2) How did Joe Stephenson end up raising the money to make the film? 
He got the money from loans from his wealthy friends.

3) How does the Chicken budget compare to a Hollywood-funded British blockbuster such as Spectre or Paddington 2? The budget for Spectre was $245-250 million and the budget for Paddington 2 was $50-55 million. Compared to the chicken budget of £100k, the other two movies had an enormously larger budget. 

4) Joe Stephenson tried to secure funding from organisations that help low-budget filmmakers. What is the BFI Film Fund and how does it contribute to the British film industry? The BFI film fund uses money from the national lottery to fund low budget UK films to contribute to the film industry. They do this because they believe it is important for British film makers to produce films which represent the British film industry and culture. 
5) Why do you think Chicken failed to secure funding from the BFI Film Fund? I think that Chicken failed to secure the BFI fund due to the unique but bizarre film concept they had. 


1) What difficulties did the film run into during production? Some of the difficulties the film ran into during production were aspects they couldn't control such as natural lighting, rain and other external factors.

2) How many days did the film take to shoot? 19 days

3) What scenes were particularly difficult for Joe Stephenson to film? 
Interior shots of the caravan were a struggle for Stephenson to film as their was very minimal room and the weather was bad which caused production to be slightly pushed back at times. Shot in the forest were difficult as sun light would shine through leaves in all directions and was hard to find the correct angle to capture the moment.


1) Why did the film fail to secure a distribution deal when first made in 2014? The film failed to secure a distribution deal because it was so low budget that they were worried it wouldn't make that much of a profit, especially because it was directed at such a niche audience. 

2) What film festivals did Chicken feature at between 2014-2016? 2015 Edinburgh Film Festival, 2015 Busan International Film Festival, New Hampshire International Film Festival, Cine A La Vista International Film Festival 2016, Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival , Schlingel International Film Festival, Dublin International Film Festival.

3) Why are film festivals an effective way for a low-budget film to secure a distribution deal? Film festivals are important as it allows the film and producer to gain some recognition and it generates more viewers. 
4) When was Chicken released in cinemas in the UK?
UK cinema released in May 2016 and later acquired by Film 4 in April 2017 
5) Why do you think film subscription service MUBI chose the film to feature on the service? MUBI is known for show casing and advertising films that target a niche audience, and Chicken fit that description perfectly. 
6) Why was Film4 a good choice to give the film its UK television premiere? Because Film4 also tends to show films for a niche audience. 
7) When will the film be released on iTunes and other video-on-demand services in the USA and Canada? January 2018


1) What does the trailer suggest regarding genre and the potential audience pleasures of Chicken? 
The trailer suggests that the film is very unique in the sense that the main character is a very socially awkward guy. The music adds to the genre because it creates a sense of emotion, hinting that the film may contain some emotional scenes.

2) What synergy can you find between the trailer and other traditional marketing methods such as the film poster?
The film poster as well as the trailer include quotes from popular magazines and other critics which is important in the marketing of this film as it portrays it as enjoyable and interesting film. These critics are extremely important as some people rely on reviews from critics before watching the film as they do not want to waste money on a film which they will potentially dislike. The trailer and poster likewise have beautiful scenery shots which could help sway people to watch the film in cinemas.

3) Why are reviews from industry figures such as Mark Kermode so important to a film's success? 
Mark Kermode, a well-known and trusted film critic, would attract audiences who wouldn't normally lean towards this sort of film, but because of his review, it may increase its viewings. 
Figures such as Mark Kermode have an important opinion on films as they are professional film critics who judge the film to depth and decide whether a film is good or not. This is important to the films success as a bad review is likely to cause them to not sell as much whereas a good critic on their film will cause the film to gain popularity and a good image and likely to sell more due to important figures enjoying them.

4) How does the Chicken Twitter account create and maintain interest in the film? The twitter account does this by posting regularly and continuing to inform followers about the film and its message. The Chicken twitter account helps maintain interest as they re tweet and pin messages from awards or critics who have judged this film. The use of re tweeting a positive review allows the film to gain popularity as seem as a positive and good film to the outside audience who are likely to just be scrolling by. The use of doing this causes the film to gain more popularity as film critics and awards help boost the film in the market making it likely for people to go out and watch it in cinemas.

5) Who does the Twitter account re-tweet? How does this help to promote the film? The twitter account re tweets the posts by directors or producers, and people who have a large following. this helps to maintain the audience. 

6) How does the Chicken Facebook page use images and video content to promote the film?

7) What pages are liked by the Chicken Facebook page? What does this tell you about the film and potential target audience?

8) Go to the B Good Picture Company's website page for Chicken. What celebrities are mentioned on the page? Why might they be highlighted? Stephen Frears, Noel Clarke, Karen Gillan and Mark Kermode are mentioned who are influencers with a large following.
9) Now go to the film's official website. What is the key purpose of the website and what does this tell you about the influence of new technology and how it is changing how people watch films? The official film page is very colourful and eye catching, however it is very simplisctic which means the ideas of the film are not revealed.
10) Go to the B Good Picture Company YouTube channel. What videos feature on the channel? How do they help to promote Chicken?
It has mini clips of the movie to intrigue the audience 


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