Comments on Statement of Intent:


Mark: 4

Grade: D

Comments on Statement of Intent:

·         The concept works – I particularly like the way you are planning an extended scene at the beginning of the trailer to create personal identity and an emotional connection between the audience and your main character. However, as a statement of intent you are lacking a few key aspects and need to redraft in certain areas.
·         Written English is a definite area to improve – grammar/sentence structure incorrect in places.
·         You may want to make the beginning easier to follow – title, tagline, genre etc. Does the title need rethinking a little?
·         Far more media terminology is required – look at the brief (minimum requirements) and then outline specific aspects you will create in your cross-media production that meets these requirements. E.g. you offer some quite comprehensive narrative for the storyline but no specific shots, sounds, aspects of mise-en-scene etc. to show how you will communicate this to the audience.
·         Look at audience again – you need more clarity and to consider audience pleasures/theory.
·         The paragraph on representation is a little confused at present. Re-think this aspect.
·         No reference to the posters – this is half the brief.
·         For the digital convergence element in the mark scheme, try and make specific references to the work you plan to produce (e.g. an element of your posters or trailer). The key to this brief is synergy across the two platforms.

As your learner response, pick out the three improvements/changes you need to make to your Statement of Intent.

  1.  Include references to the posters
  2. Need more media terminology linked to the narrative and apply 
  3. Make specific references

Re-draft your statement of intent using Microsoft Word and re-submit a printed copy.


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