Coursework checklist


Coursework checklist: When final draft of Statement of Intent is submitted you’ll be up-to-date on documents.

Statement of Intent final draft: Will send through now.

Filming latest: Started filming but more to do… house scenes complete, church scene proving tricky due to permissions. Need additional filming for fast-paced end of trailer with multiple scenes and locations. Plan to get majority of filming done this weekend.

Print planning: Started the research process in class today.

Next steps:

Copy and paste this feedback to your Media 2 coursework blog with the title ‘Coursework tutorial feedback and learner response’.
Write a brief summary of what you plan to achieve in your coursework project in the next two weeks.

  1.  Need to film the school scenes and the church scenes so that I can edit my rough copy of my trailer
  2. Need to finish print planning


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